
Archive for September 5th, 2023

Sirach 44:1Singing Praise

Tuesday, September 5, 2023Singing_God_Praise

A Favorite from August 27, 2010.

Let us now sing the praises of famous men and women, our ancestors in their generation.

We have so much to be grateful for when we look to our past and remember the stories we have heard about the generations who preceded us. They laid the foundation for who and what we are today.

We have so much to give thanks for when we look at those young ones around us who will carry us into the future. They carry the dream we hope for who and what we will be in the years to come.

We have so much to sing joyously in the present for as we ponder the love our maker has for us. This creator wants nothing more than our welfare and success.

These words of St. John of the Cross appear in MAGNIFICAT today as the Meditation. When we read carefully and thoughtfully, they can bring us to an appreciation for the level of joy Hebrew ancestors felt when they worshiped Yahweh in the desert tent. They can bring us an understanding of the goodness of the Lord, our Bridegroom.

When one loves and doses good to another, he loves and does good to him in the measure of his own nature and properties. Thus your Bridegroom, dwelling within you, grants you favors according to his nature. Since he is omnipotent, he omnipotently loves and does good to you; since he is wise you feel that he does good to you with wisdom; since he is infinitely good, you feel that he loves you with goodness; since he is holy, you feel that with holiness he loves and favors you; since he is just, you feel that in justice he loves and favors you; since he is merciful, mild, and clement, you feel his mercy, mildness and clemency; since he is strong, sublime, and delicate being, you feel that his love for you is strong, sublime, and delicate; since he is pure and undefiled, you feel that he loves you in a pure and undefiled way; since he is truth, you feel that he loves you in truthfulness; since he is liberal, you feel that he liberally loves you, without any personal profit, only in order to do good to you; since he is the virtue of supreme humility, he loves you with supreme humility and esteem and makes you his equal, gladly revealing himself to you in these ways of knowledge, in this his countenance filled with graces, and telling you in this union, not without great rejoicing: “I am yours and for you and delighted to be what I am so as to be yours and give myself to you”. 

Image from: http://www.aubeacon.com/Articles2016/Article_PsalmsHymnsAndSpiritualSongs.htm

Cameron, Peter John. “Meditation of the Day.” MAGNIFICAT. 27.8 (2010). Print.  

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