
Archive for September 6th, 2023

Psalm 83: A Hostile Nation

Wednesday, September 6, 2023psalm 83

A Favorite from August 28, 2010.

They conspire against your people . . .

It is likely that each of us has known a time when we felt – either correctly or incorrectly – that the world is conspiring against us. The only exit from this kind of thinking is the giving over of our own agenda to God.

They scheme with one mind . . .

It is likely that each of us has felt the disappointment of exclusion – either rightly or wrongly – that comes when humans come together in groups. The only comfort and healing to be found is in our relationship with God.

Deal with them . . .

When we realize that there is a hostile nation against us, the only hope is in asking God to deal with the enemy.

Let them be dismayed . . .

Even we New Testament people will want God to intercede against our foes, but as Christians we will ask for their conversion rather than their destruction.

Show them you are alone are the Lord . . .

We might be amazed that even after God has shown himself to our adversaries that they persist in their deceitful ways. Sooner or later they will see which way they are to go but only God can bring them to seeing.

You alone are the Most High over all the earth.

The outcome of the battle pitched between God and those who plot against the faithful is assured. God will always win.  or God alone is the Most High over all the earth.

Image from: http://beforeitsnews.com/prophecy/2015/03/blue-print-of-psalm-83-war-found-in-news-reports-once-you-follow-the-trail-youll-be-floored-by-where-it-leads-were-not-on-the-brink-were-here-2468242.html

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