
Archive for September 15th, 2023

1 Corinthians 2:10: Scrutiny – Part II

Friday, September 15, 2023scrutiny-248x248 (1)

The Spirit scrutinizes everything, even the depths of God.

When a political, social or religious structure prohibits us from asking questions we need to be wary.

When friends, relatives or colleagues tell us to keep secrets we must not go along with the group.

When we are tempted to conceal truth, to fog reality or look the other way we are obliged to seek clarity and advocate for openness.

God says: Do not be afraid to scrutinize your surroundings; honest questions bring you to the truth. Many will attempt to keep you far from me and away from the light but I can and do permeate all space. I am present in all times. I penetrate closed doors and I enter hard hearts. I soften stiff necks and I convert the most twisted sinner. So do not fear inquiry; it becomes you. Do not be afraid to allow your doubts to generate questions that will free you from fear. I am open to each of you. I have told you who I am and how I am. I know all about you for I have created you in my image. Scrutinize everything, even me. I long to hold you within my own heart.

For more reflections, type the word Ask God or Asking God into the blog search box to see where the Spirit leads you.

Image from: https://www.canstockphoto.com/illustration/scrutiny.html

A Mini-Noontime reprise, originally posted on August 28, 2012

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