
Archive for September 16th, 2023

Deuteronomy 4:7-9: Scrutiny – Part III

Saturday, September 16, 2023scrutiny-1435307-660x395-680x365_c

From THE MESSAGE: What other great nation has gods that are intimate with them the way God, our God, is with us, always ready to listen to us? And what other great nation has rules and regulations as good and fair as this Revelation that I’m setting before you today?

And as New Testament people we also ask: What other God is there who makes us in God’s image? What other God is there who come to live among God’s children? What other God is there who adopts us as legitimate daughters and sons?

The writer of Deuteronomy advises us: Just make sure you stay alert. Keep close watch over yourselves. Don’t forget anything of what you’ve seen. Don’t let your heart wander off. Stay vigilant as long as you live. Teach what you’ve seen and heard to your children and grandchildren.

And as readers of the New Testament letters we also know that those who lived, worked and prayed with Jesus give us the same advice. We might also testify: Our God walks and lives with us still. Our God heals and consoles us still. Our God leads and protects us still.

These are truths that are worthy of our scrutiny. Once we explore them with our own eyes and ears, we might share this Good News with others.

Use the scripture link and the drop-down menus to explore other translations of these verses, and to scrutinize all that we have read and heard.

Image from: http://www.fiduciarynews.com/2016/02/will-increased-401k-fee-scrutiny-trump-dols-new-fiduciary-rule/

For references to testing the spirit and false teachers, see 1 Timothy 4:11 John 4 and 2 Peter 2.

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