
Archive for September 26th, 2023

Job 28The Inaccessibility of Wisdom

Tuesday, September 26, 2023pearl-of-wisdom

A Favorite from September 9, 2010.

This is how we feel many times when we are at our wits end – that we have no access to wisdom, no way of figuring out where we are, where we want to go and how we will get there. The clamor of the world quickly erases all of the serenity we stored up to carry us through the day. We feel as though wisdom is ephemeral and unpredictable when in truth it is solid and consistent. Wisdom – true wisdom – is always present and open to the moment. True wisdom is the voice of God within that calms the interior and exterior turmoil just as Jesus calms the storm on the sea. When our little boat is being swamped by gigantic waves, and when we feel that understanding is unreachable, it is time to consider how much silver, gold, copper, pearls and sapphires we have in the mine of our being.

No price can be paid for wisdom. There is nothing that is wisdom’s equal. Beasts have not trodden it. It is not in the abyss. Death does not know it. So where is it? And why are we enslaved by the fear of its inaccessibility? Perhaps we do not look for wisdom in the proper place. There is only one true place for true wisdom. God knows the way to it, it is God who is familiar with its place. 

Image from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pearl

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