
Archive for September 29th, 2023

Luke 8:1-3: Ministering Women – Part III

Friday, September 29, 2023

Carracci: Holy Women at the Tomb

Annibale Carracci: Holy Women at Christ’s Tomb

A Favorite from September 6, 2008.

As the sparrow finds a home and the swallow a nest to settle her young, my home is by your altars, Lord of hosts, my king and my God.  Psalm 84:4

Men and women disciples accompanied Jesus to Jerusalem, to the Cross, and to the Grave. Women and men sought Jesus at the empty tomb and witnessed to the truth of Jesus’ resurrection. Their perseverance and fidelity were rewarded by many encounters with the Resurrected Christ. We too, have the opportunity to encounter Christ as we move along our own Jerusalem road. We too, might build nests beneath God’s altars as we stop along the way.

We are all God’s ministering children. Let us, with courage then, take up our personal burden, greet one another with a Christian Kiss of Peace, and join Christ on the road back to freedom. Let us go up to Jerusalem – women and men together – and minister to one another. For in this act we will encounter Christ. In this act we will find our own infinity.

For more on women at the tomb, click the image above or visit: https://blogs.thegospelcoalition.org/justintaylor/2014/04/11/women-empty-tomb/ 

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