
Archive for October 13th, 2023

Acts 17Uproar – Part III

Friday, October 13, 2023chaos

A prayer for those who live in the midst of God’s uproar. 

We are challenged today to find our place in God’s uproar when we reflect on the men in white helmets who run toward danger in Syria to save victims from airstrikes. Let us pray for those who disregard their own safety to rescue others.

We are challenged today to find our place in God’s uproar when we examine data at the Death Penalty Information Center to see how many innocent lives are needlessly lost in the U.S. Let us pray for those who risk their careers to enact justice.

We are challenged today to find our place in God’s uproar when we explore CCN’s Freedom Project whose aim is to end modern-day slavery. Let us pray for those who give voice to the voiceless.

We are challenged today to find our place in God’s uproar when we tackle the topic of citizen security in Latin America and other places around the globe. Let us pray for those who bring hope to the hopeless.

If the uproar we choose to enter in the struggle to save endangered species, we look for information at The World Wildlife Fund. Let us pray for those who defend the animal kingdom.

If we are more comfortable examining the uproar over our changing planet, we might review ideas about deforestation or monoculture. Let us pray for those who see Mother Earth as our common home.

finding-god-in-stormAnd if exploring any of this is more than we can bear, if God’s uproar sends us into the shelter of what we know and what we have, then let us ask ourselves if we might begin each day with prayers for those who risk their own existence to live in the midst of God’s beautiful and enormous uproar.

And rather than fear the tumult and disruption the examination of these issues might bring us, let us pray that we do whatever we can – in our own small and large ways – to further the justice called forth in God’s uproar.

Tomorrow, predictions of God’s peace.

Images from: https://www.freepik.com/premium-photo/little-wooden-letters-chaos_20186449.htm and https://www.pinterest.com/pin/order-out-of-chaos-drawing–292030357093414798/

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