
Archive for October 20th, 2023

Ezra 6:18-22: Marvels – Part I

Friday, October 20, 2023ps-126-5

Again, we pray for peace as we reflect on the marvels that blossom each day of our loves despite the chaos and terror we see playing out in so many places.

It must have seemed unreal to the Israelites – after praying for years – to not only return to Jerusalem but also to receive safe passage and assistance from the dynasty which had first overtaken them and then carried them into exile.  The people who had been in darkness were finally seeing a light; the tears they had sown in mourning were about to be harvested in joy.  The dream expressed in Psalm 126 was finally arriving in full force: The Lord has done marvels for us . . . Restore our fortunes, O Lord, like the torrents in the southern desert.  Those that sow in tears shall reap rejoicing . . . The Lord has done marvels for us . . . Although they go forth weeping, carrying the seed to be sown, they shall come back rejoicing, carrying their sheaves . . . The Lord has done marvels for us.

I recently saw a documentary about the men of Wall Street who in the 1920’s first initiated revenue pools with which they manipulated the markets to make exorbitant profits at the expense of small investors. These wild and risky patterns once unleashed and initially controlled became – as these things always do – beyond all human control. Ruin and devastation were the result. What struck me about the information presented was the outcome for two men: one – the original founder of GM – was one who of those really thought that they were in control of the markets. When he came into NY from his home, the police made certain that all the traffic lights stayed green so that his car would not have to pause on his way to the Exchange. Everyone was poised to do his bidding and it was perhaps this fawning and deference that deceived him rather than his own pride. This man ended in complete ruin, still trying to begin a number of small businesses, hoping to “get his game back”. This man had not seen that his initial success was not his own. He did not understand that The Lord has done marvels for us. 

A second man was featured who was able to avoid the bursting of the bubble by not only conserving his crookedly gotten treasure but by becoming even wealthier as the world around him collapsed.  ut this did not assure his comfort or safety. Rules were put into place to prevent the gaming of the market and this man became so despondent at the lack of risk and danger in his daily routine that although he died with a mass of money stored up, he died at his own hands in a bathroom. He did not realize that The Lord has done marvels for us.

Tomorrow, splendid deeds. 

Image from: http://rogerthomassen.blogspot.com/2012/02/restoration.html

Adapted from a Favorite written on October 27, 2009.


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