
Archive for January 2nd, 2024

Exodus 14:13: Do Not Fear – Part II

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

We know the story of Moses saving his people and leading them to freedom by crossing through the Red Sea that parts for the Hebrews. This miraculous passage has been celebrated and retold endlessly; and for good reason. God loves the faithful so deeply that nature bends to his will; and God still performs miracles for us today. When we lose heart we might remind ourselves of the words Moses spoke to his people: “Don’t be afraid. Stand firm and watch God do his work of salvation for you today. Take a good look at the Egyptians today for you’re never going to see them again.


Hugo Van der Goes: Adoration of the Shepherds

Centuries later God perseveres in watching over those who follow the voice that calls them to unity and peace; and God sends a sign that The LORD walks among us. If only we might take note.

Where are the seas we need parted today so that we might continue our journey to freedom? What are the signs we look for and miss, even though they are in our field of vision? Whose voice do we follow when we are lost or distressed?

Today we might ask, “What or who is it we fear, and why?” When we spend time with this old, familiar story, a new understanding presents itself. Let us open our eyes and ears and hearts so that we might better understand.

Throughout Christmastide, we continue to explore the number of ways God says to us, “Do not be afraid”.

For interesting video attesting to proof of the Red Sea Crossing, visit YouTube for the first of three parts at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-v6dzIrGR4

Images from: https://truthfaithandreason.com/a-case-for-the-old-testament-joseph-to-moses-the-passover-the-exodus-and-the-red-sea-crossing-exodus-chapters-11-15/ and http://www.catholichousehold.com/birth-of-jesus-in-art-20-paintings-of-the-nativity/

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